What’s The Challenge?

Looking into the history of mankind, you will find that there was a single ‘Concept’ that gradually transformed itself into a ‘Tradition.’ This tradition then grew into this ‘passage of life’ which every person had to pass or go through to achieve something in his/her life cycle.

Live The Adventure


In this modern world, this concept has been diversified. We now, use this concept for our own fun and entertainment purpose everyday without even knowing. We all like playing games such as ‘I Dare you’ or ‘Catch Me if You Can’, however, what is the crux of these games? It’s the Challenge. Yes, it’s the thrill of the challenge that entices us and when we achieve or complete a challenge, it provides us with a sense of pure happiness.

So, what’s the reason of attaining so much pleasure? It’s the time and the moments that we spent while doing these challenges with our loved ones, makes our experience so complete and entertaining. Experiencing an adventure with friends, challenging your friends to a fun filled exercise can lift up any dull and boring day.

With this Vision, where one can challenge everything and everyone, a website has been made. ichallengethee.com. This website even allows you to challenge yourself, where you can create and recreate a challenge for yourself and beat your own record. You can also invite your friends and family to join you in the challenge. And at the end, you will feel that amazing adrenaline rush pumping through the veins and opening your eyes to a completely new lifestyle. Because of ‘I Challenge Thee’ and its concept of Living An Adventure, you get to have a life changing experience and plenty of heart warming moments to cherish with your friends and family.

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